Thursday, 7 February 2008

Why Can't I Find You On Google?

Yes, we've all done, it, Googling our name.

I'm as guilty as the rest of them, but I have the challenge of competing with a footballer, a sculptor and a senator for getting a ranking. David Norris - it's hardly a unique name.

More and more "name searches" are taking hold as we "Google" our future employers, our future employees, dates, friends and celebs.

Can you be found if you Google your name? If so, what do you get? If you're in business, your professional repuation will increasingly depend on what people read about you online.

A new start up has just launched that aims to help us all get found. The site is still in Beta, so if you get in there now, you might get a listing for free before they start charging.

It's called

Here's how it worked for me:
1. Sign up
2. Create a simple profile
3. I received a call the same day enquiring about how I heard of the service and they explained more about their plans
4. The next day I found my page at through Google - it was listed in the paid ads! (I didn't pay for the ad - they did)

Interesting business model here. They buy me a domain, pay for PPC, it won't cost them much. I tell all my friends, they sign up, and soon their user base expands fast virally. When they get enough critical mass, they start charging for premuim services and work with corporate accounts. If this works, sales focussed companies and small businesses with low web presence will be eager to get a quick low cost visibility for their key people.

It's great too because I get a legitimate link to this blog from the new page, every link helps!

So - you've nothing to lose, go get your page now before they start charging.

1 comment:

MarkDigerati said...

I have to compete with a UN commander, a musician and photographer.. I'm quite okay, not ranking #1 for my name though, thanks!

Have you tried - it takes a few verticals and can pull some interesting results on people!