Wednesday 5 February 2014

Between the Variables and Constants, People are the Operations - The Mathematics of Team Performance.

In mathematics, "operations" are things like add, subtract, multiply, divide, squaring, etc. If it isn't a number it is probably an operation.

In business operations however, people are like the mathematical operators.  It's people that add, subtract, divide and multiply.

As any business owner will tell you, dealing with people is difficult to get right.

So - here's a tip for any managers out there.  If each of your team member were an operation (+, _, X, /), which would they be?

+ ADD +
Someone who adds, adds value.  They do their job well, consistently.  You need to reward, motivate and nurture these important team members.

Someone who subtracts is not providing value.  They do not do their job well (for whatever reason).  You need to address this performance and attempt to turn it around. This may not be possible.  If you fail to turn a subtract into an add, you need to remove this person from the team.

Someone who divides not only does their job badly but causes others to do their job badly as well.  They suck up your time.  They are a bad influence.  They are poison.  If you have a divider, you need to realise this quickly and remove them fast.  Your team will thank you for this.

Someone who multiplies not only does their job well but causes others to do a better job as well.  They are a catalyst for success.  Success breeds success and so if you can have more multipliers on your team, subtractors can become adders and adders become better adders.  You need to listen to and empower your multipliers.  You also need to make sure they don't get bored or disillusioned.  They need to believe in your vision and they will amplify that vision for you.  Look after them like the gold that they are.

So, think about your team.

Are you team A?


Or team B?


This simple perspective can really help when tough decisions are needed and can help you remember to look after your stars.

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