Tuesday 13 November 2007

What Is SMO (Social Media Optimisation)?

It's simply promoting and distributing your proposition to potential customers through social networks.

To do so requires that the individuals in networks do your promoting for you, and that they are motivated to do so in a compelling way. You can't push, you have to let them pull. Give them something interesting to pull in. Instead of your site being the destination, the users' own webpage is the destination - you invite them to pull your content to them in a way that adds value to them.

In practical terms this means enabling your content to travel (through widgets for example), sowing seeds that will grow of their own accord. You also need to know where to plant your seeds. As Malcolm Gladwell illustrated in "The Tipping Point" there's usually a few key individuals in any growth phenomenon that can trigger the critical mass needed to gain hold on a large scale.

Social Media Optimisation therefore requires

1. Site infrastructure flexibility to allow for distribution of content

2. Strategic thinking, idea generation (from the "pull perspective")

3. Tactical execution - knowing where and how to get your "campaign" off the ground

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