Friday 28 December 2012

The 123 of Great Customer Service

I've heard many theories of what makes great customer service.

In my mind though it's really simple.  Simple as 1, 2, 3.

If there's one golden rule in life it's this... to always do your best to treat people as you would like to be treated.  This is the foundation of a meaningful life and it's also what underpins great service.

To do that, practically, there are 3 things that matter;

   1. Solve the problem that the person has

   2. Be fast

   3. Do it with a smile

We can add on to the above a lot of detail, but let's not.  It really should be that simple. Great service is really those three things whichever way you look at it;

Be helpful, be fast, be friendly.

As a P.S. I'd add a fourth principle, to always do everything possible to prevent the issue from happening again.

Delivering that simplicity time and time again is a real challenge, as an individual, as a manager or as a company.  It's a challenge that is very rewarding to get right.

Is it really that simple?  What do you think?

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